Richard Kohen

Richard K. Koehn, PhD

Director and Chairman

Richard is a perpetual and passionate catalyst for both innovation and biotechnology through his varied roles in life — entrepreneur, venture capital consultant, CEO, academic leader and founder.

As CEO of Salus Therapeutics, he negotiated its acquisition by Genta, Inc. A consultant to the venture capital business for over 15 years, Dr. Koehn wasEntrepreneur of the Year in 1991.

In 2005, Dr. Koehn negotiated a $7.5M investment in Sentrx Surgical, Inc. leading to the creation of Carbylan BioSurgery, Inc.; Glycosan Biosystems, Inc.; and Sentrx™ Animal Care, Inc. Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Biomedical Technology in NY, and Vice President of Research at the University of Utah (1992-2000), in 2005, Dr. Koehn was awarded the Governor's Medal in Science and Technology.